Organize A Group
Organize A Group
Organize a Group
Be that guy! A father ready to set up! A “real man” who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility and leads courageously. You will be amazed by the number of fathers you meet that have been hoping for a way to deepen their relationship with their sons. As they say “hope is not a strategy”. Guiding Boys to Men can be part of your strategy. Do it today. Every year is a year closer to your son’s independence. Make sure he is prepared for it and you have made the most of your time together. You cannot get these years back.
Seem overwhelming? Could be. That is why the founding fathers wanted to make it as easy on the Organizer as possible. With the tools and resources developed within the program, anyone can be an Organizer.
“The high school years go by quick and this gave us more time to be with our sons through camping trips, bible studies, etc., all while in a setting that revolves totally around Christ. That can’t be replaced and I can’t imagine the past 4 years without Guiding Boys to Men.”
“Being the Organizer of the group was a lot easier than I thought. Everything I needed was in the Organizers guide.” I also liked that my son saw me taking this kind of initiative in his life.” Although he still rolls his eyes at me sometimes. Teenagers!”
Getting started can be as easy as:
Step 1. Form a Community
Find 10-12 fathers and their teenage sons to form a group.
Step 2. Engage a Relator
Find a 25-35-year-old emerging adult male with a heart for serving and experiences to share.
Step 3. Order the Program
Everything you need to get started plus the age-appropriate themed discussion guides.
Step 4. Kick off and Go!
Get started with your group and grow together!